Titan Dynamic Tool Sensing
This option provides optimum protection for your valuable die.
Sensors detect whether components or parts are correctly positioned during the cycle and if out of position, then the press will be stopped and a fault indicated.
Key Features include:-
- Colour LCD display and easy to use touch screen.
- Main Screen which gives an overview of the complete system, with the option to set up or view specific features.
- Tool Library which stores settings for each tool or die, enabling quicker and more reliable changes. (Automatic tool recognition which loads the appropriate setting as each tool is fitted in the press can be added as an option).
- Batch and Job Counters.
- Job identification and individual sensing configurations can be saved in the Tool Library.
- The monitor will detect whether components or parts are in position during the press cycle. If out of position, the press will be stopped and a fault indicated.
- Comes with sensor inputs, as appropriate.
- Multi-pin plug and sockets can be supplied to suit customer requirements.
- Can be combined with Titan Load Monitor.
- Can be adapted to suit specific customer requirements.
- Installed and calibrated by Titan Engineers.
- Full UK manufacturer’s 12 month warranty from date of commissioning.
Contact our Sales Department on 01384 392266 for more information or email sales@titanmonitoring.co.uk